To add to my woes, I am a bagpiper player. You will probably think straightaway of the Scottish Great Highland Warpipes, but Scotland doesn’t have the monopoly on bagpipes. Indeed, England had bagpipes first – sorry all you Scots out there.
Thought to have been imported to England via the Crusades (because bagpipes originate in the Middle East), there are all sorts of different types of bagpipe, some loud, some quiet, some really sweet, others really in your face.
Anyhoo. The Bagpipe Society has a magazine called The Chanter, full of all sorts of bagpipey stuff. I offered to do an illustration, and gave them ‘The Anatomy of a Bagpiper’. It went down great guns, but in the interest of gender equality, I was asked to draw a female version which I duly did. These both appeared in two of the 2020 issues of the Chanter magazine, and you can see them below. Get in touch via my contact page if you’d like copies.